Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Alone!

I hope you think about this more accurate version of the DFWCOR banner.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hitler agrees: Christianity must be destroyed!

Sir Arthur Keith, British anthropologist, atheistic evolutionist and anti-Nazi, nevertheless admitted:

‘The German Führer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.’

Why? Well, although he used language like "I am doing the Lord's work" in public, Hitler's real beliefs were quite different and hostile to Christianity, saying that it was an

' ... organized lie [that] must be smashed. The State must remain the absolute master. When I was younger, I thought it was necessary to set about [destroying religion] with dynamite. I've since realized there's room for a little subtlety ... The final state must be . in St. Peter's Chair, a senile officiant; facing him a few sinister old women . The young and healthy are on our side . it's impossible to eternally hold humanity in bondage and lies ... [It] was only between the sixth and eighth centuries that Christianity was imposed upon our peoples ... Our peoples had previously succeeded in living all right without this religion. I have six divisions of SS men absolutely indifferent in matters of religion. It doesn't prevent them from going to their death with serenity in their souls.'
Why was he so hostile? Well, as evolutionist Ernst Haeckel said, Christianity

' ... makes no distinction of race or of color; it seeks to break down all racial barriers. In this respect the hand of Christianity is against that of Nature, for are not the races of mankind the evolutionary harvest which Nature has toiled through long ages to produce? May we not say, then, that Christianity is anti-evolutionary in its aim?'
Indeed. More here. And here. Oh, and ... thanks, Darwin, for your legacy of murder and suffering!